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Absolutely loved this VN, I'm a huge sci-fi and cyberpunk fan so this story and setting is absolutely perfect for me.  Though I have a few questions that I wonder if I could as you?  The main one being, will there be another build and if so when?


There will be another build, but the date is still up in the air, but rest assured, it's releasing very soon.


That's fantastic to hear, and thank you for responding so soon 


Do we have any estimate on when the next update will be? If there isn't that's fine, I'm just curious.


Pretty nice... Enjoyed it a lot! :D

(1 edit) (+3)

This VN is really enjoyable so far, but I was wondering will there be different routes to choose from for different characters (like Extracurricular  Activities, Tennis Ace etc.) or will there be one set route (like Adastra or FBTW)?


We'll be going the linear, one route.


Too bad, all the characters that you presented are interesting, pity that not all have a route, I just pray that the only route is Oswald, although I would also like to see Max.




In he goes to my simp list Mr.Oswald




I honestly can't wait to see what the next update is, this game has some serious potential!


My goodness, its first and I'm already scanning for more, I really want more.  I don't think I've returned to this website so fast to find a sponsor page or Patreon before, I might really want to get into this.  Is there one?  Ozz is such a great character, definitely my favorite, his mannerisms really click being so strong and stoic in tight situations but calm caring and relaxing for the rest.  Max has a pretty good character too, guess I'm a sucker for rough personalities, definitely keeping my eye on him.  And meeting Alice my first response was "make friends with this one" she's so much fun I just can't wait to see more of her.  An amazing work of art from great teamwork


Hi! Unfortunately, we don't have a Patreon at the moment, but you can support the VN in other ways! Joining in our discord server and just staying up on the buzz of the VN is a nice way to interact with the team and other readers! We're quite active :3


Dang this is a great first build!I honestly didn't expect the direction this is going in but I really dig it.Also that to be continued fakeout was so funny and I loved the little cameos in that club cg.Im already hooked and I cant wait for more you are one hell of a team.




This is actually the first vn that left me wanting for more :) even if its just the first build


All I have to say is:


That was a really good first build, I did expect the story to go somewhere with that plot thread briefly mentioned in the demo, but it ended up being much more compelling than I expected and I really got to enjoy the setting because of it.
The last scene with Oswald was a bit abrupt, it's something I would've expected to happen later on in the story, but it was sweet nonetheless.
I can also see where Max is coming from, but I hope we'll get to see a better side of him soon enough. Partially because I think he's pretty cute/hot.

Also the little 4th wall break was great and happened at the most appropriate moment possible lmao

Looking forward to the next update 🥺


Hope Adrian gets better and gets the respect he truly deserves. Maybe also knock that Max some sense or two. Oswald is a perfect match to Adrian.


Woow just great, i love this first build, and the plot twist surprised me, I'm really looking forward to following this story. By the way, the music and art on this Vn are fantastic.


yaaay first build!!! altho, already a problem: im still getting an error screen right at the title screen, and i have to click ignore to start :< idrk whats causing it tbh, i figured it was just a Demo Problem.....




I played it, uhhh I don't think there's enough here for me to really have an opinion on it. It just seems like a cool collab project


might play it, sounds intresting


Cant wait for more the mc is pretty hot and I'm hoping there more options for charecters other then the kangaroo in the future 😁 I'm honestly glad to see how this turns out


FYI you can play the windows version on linux as well (since it’s made with renpy), so you may want to say it explicitly.


Oh! Thanks for the info~!


greetings fellow based linux user

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Not much to go yet but interesting enough that I'll keep an eye on it. Good luck and have fun during this project.


This billboard made my day


Short right now, not much to go on, cannot judge fairly at this time.  Only bit I have any issue with is that Adrian mentions he should have gone to the gym more with Dylan, but in picture he has no fat or muscle on him, and I guess because we can't see under Dylan's shirt can't see if he has any muscle.  Just a slight logic/context issue.  Love the art!

Thanks for the feedback! If it's any consolation, what's under Dylan's shirt could be something to look forward to... hehe ;)

I didn't mean pants!, I mean yes, but too soon! XD


It looks very interesting, keep going! :D


it's really good cant wait for more!!!


Now I've got the taste of it, I can't wait for more! 


Aww, no mmobile version:(.... Yet, probably


Well, that's changed!


There's also JoiPlay, which works well


Man this story is already really really interesting!  Loved the visuals and the writing is very good; super excited for more!! (:


Off to a great start! The story is really interesting so far and the art is lovely.

Can't wait to see more of it and how the story will progress <3

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