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is this still being worked on? i miss my tiger 


The 3rd build is still in development, but rest assured this VN isn't dead!


ahh okay i see, thank you for the updateee !!
hope you've been alright!


Thank you for the lovely story, the ost got me by surprise, it is sooooo good. Cheers to the developers!

(1 edit) (+3)

This VN is amazing, can't wait for the next update


Adrian is a human or is the wolf of the cover of the game (I do not not do it down for the simple fact that I am interested in a human being)


adrian is indeed the wolf. There is no human ^^

(1 edit) (+6)

He is a husky

A cute handsome husky


yes sry i just wanted to use his words ^^'  XD.

Is that mentioned somewhere?

If not, he also could be a wolf.

It is mentioned several times in the game.


Adrian is the Husky you see in the mirror reflection in the start of the VN


is there only 5 members on the team or is there more being introduced later on

(1 edit) (-1)

what do you mean 5 members on the team? we are 7

sorry it sounded a bit rude i didnt mean it in a rude way

(2 edits) (+1)

I think he is talking about the game? Like, the Midnight Sun team (Oswald, Max, etc.)

yeah I meant Oswald and the others I should have been more specific sorry


Since benjie doesn't like ellie I have a theory that she is a spy Since benjie said he has "good reasons"


Gotta watch out for them skittish-looking types


Excited for the next release! Just finished the second build today and looking forward to what y'all come up with! 🌟


hope for a new update soon

(1 edit) (+2)

Are you thinking about having a patreon


Maybe, but we do have a Ko-fi!


owo this is amazing ngl can't eait for next update x3


when update?


Hi! It will probably be around late September - Early October. Forgive us for the long wait, but rest assured we're working hard to release it as soon as possible!

(1 edit)

I really want to play this but for some reason the game doesn't load after downloading on my OnePlus 7. Most android games from here work on it so I'm surprised this one doesn't 😭

Editing because I finally got it to work. All I had to do was go into the app information and start it from there instead of the app itself. It's a weird work around but it worked none the less.

Deleted post

I love Oswald and Alice so much and sincerely hope I'm allowed to be bi because Alice ;w;

Everyone in the party is an absolute blast, I can tell how everyone fits into the five man band (that's a compliment), and the storyline suddenly going in that direction really did get me hooked.


This comment is for the creators of Eden's Reach. So far you guys are doing an excellent job with the progress so far. Adrian is a good MC so far and Oswald is a handsome wolf. Right off the bat it's obvious these two belong together and I can't wait to see romantic moments (sfw and nsfw) between these two love birds err canines. Lol

Benjie is an another awesome character with a feeling that he's also central to the story and maybe deserves a his own spin off but that's up to you guys. Max, however, is the only downside and I hope the MC will stand up to him or respect the poor DJ.

The futuristic setting is amazing so far. You guys are one of my inspirations of creating my own visual novel project. I'm not a professional writer but I made my own sci-fi romance story just for fun like how anyone can do arts for fun. I'm not sure how make the futuristic setting in my vn be good like yours but I'll do my best.

Anyway, just want give you guys 5 stars and I can't wait to see more of Adrian x Oswald and the plot. Thank you for creating Eden's Reach and may this become series (if you want to). Catch you later!


First thing first, a good VN that show potential. Such variation of characters. Excellents CGs and BGs, congrats to the artists. The music was very good, I liked it.
Some parts messed with my feelings, because some of them I've been through.
Continue the good job that you guys are doing. I'm sure I'll follow this vN for now on~


Benjie best character


Completed the 2nd build last night and I'm SO hyped to what's to come!

I'll be sure to keep an eye on this vn for sure~


OMG! I love this so far, I can't wait to see what is planned for the future of this great futuristic VN. Like the art is amazing, the music is very pleasing (I'd honestly happily just sit there and listen to it for hours) and can't forget the intriguing storyline

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

Hey, that would be amazing. Thanks. But message you on what?


Here ya go!


Thanks, I am going to just jam to the music for ages now

Deleted 3 years ago

Any one know when the next update funna be T_T

Also I love this work!(Also I will be very sad if there isn't one T_T)

Great thanks to "AzzyFord"

We are currently in our pause state and development will continue soon

Thanks for the information :D

Hey just wondering is this non-linear and possibly nsfw in future?


It is a linear, NSFW Visual Novel. ;)

Deleted 3 years ago

I... Need help. I am looking for Furry visual Novels that aren't LGBT, I'm not hating but if anyone knows a Visual novel That is Non-LGBTQ please let me know. Now I'm going to read this Visual Novel, If you need me just comment on this.



To be honest, can't think of any besides Nekopara. :T

Deleted 3 years ago

Congratulations on the start of your Visual novel journey. 

I just finished the current build and this has caught my attention straight away, I enjoy the  futuristic setting setting.  alot of detail have been put into the artwork, characters and background with the inclusion of a few illustrations already something not seen in early VNs.

The whole Big corporation taking over is a bit chliche but you might have a spin on it to make it stand out more.

I understand that is is still very early days and things may change, for a romantic VN  there is not much of a choice  so far it seems to be more directed to Oswald " nothing to complain about" but i would like to see some more  dialog choices to toward the other love interests to which i can only assume are Dylan and Max. allowing us to immerse ourselves even further into the story. 

Keep up the amazing work, consider making a Pateron Page and i will happy to support this  Project 


I admit i was taken aback by the sudden twist and where the story went very abruptly, i really like it alot. Excited to see the relationships change and grow. or fall apart depending on the characters. i do wish there were more choices but not a big deal. Loved the use of blur when the briefing happened and Max and Oswald cut in that was really a great creative way of focus without ironically losing focus on the main character all while drawing attention at the right places. Also Benjie is a cool character i will love to hate for a while (Shots fired pun goes here), I am sure his story will be interesting and a worth while journey. I am sad we can not pick a partner but it makes sense given the situation though i hope later that might be an option, Miss Dylan already too alot lol

Not the biggest fan of the usual commentary of big corporation bad and i admit do hope something unique comes of it past thwart them and/or an insider type traitor situation being involved but i know that it would be a bit hard to pull off. But even if it was seeing it done with these characters will be a blast i am sure. Also regardless of any of that i love more then most of the characters and love to despise the rest and most of them are not even on screen very long over all in comparison to the planned scope of the game leaving alot of room to learn and grow.  Super excited and i shall keep checking in on Itch.IO specifically to see every day or two if there is a new update for a good while. Thanks for making an awesome feeling and looking game.

i can't seem to play it, getting this error: 

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 274, in script
  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 274, in script
  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 278, in <module>
NameError: global name 'name' is not defined

hmm, maybe just need a debug from the author, or maybe he just typed a wrong code, i know how easy to take a hour to figure out, where did i make a mistake, and always miss some " xd But if everybody can play it, maybe you should just delete and redownload, since at installing, maybe did not replaced some data or missed some important data. You should save your saves to your pc if u playing from android, like go to the Android folder and try to find: com.(something edensreach) or something like that. When you reinstalled, just place that save folder back to it's place in android's edensreach -> files folder. I didn't try it, but this is the most logical way if i can guess. I hope i was useful.

i've tried redownloading and bunch of other stuff, not seem to be working. its the first time I'm trying this. I'll wait for a new build since I had a different problem in a different game and a new build just solved that out of nowhere haha. my computer is kinda iffy when it comes to stuff from itch sometimes but I don't mind.

Well, i think it may be compatibility problem, actually renpy is quiet tricky. Yap, i hope next build will work for you. :D


Im starting now, my volume at max and I just want to say that the loud bang in the dream scared me too much >w>

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Just started the game really and i can say so much but if i am to say anything it is these three things.

1. The art style is astounding, i love it and have no idea why.
2. The MC is relatable, like way to much so XD love him and his friend alot as "people" very well made3
3. I adore the character name enter section at the very beginning. Not many games or VNs i have seen if any do something like that with the OS boot up pain in the but crap and i loved how real it felt situation wise rather then shoe horned in telling a stranger it awkwardly nor did you go the way of using a "new" character that i don't know but the MC does. it's the little details that could and this game right out the gate slams the nails on the head with bulldozers for me.
Major props and looking forward to what this VN will be in the future.
Am curious on a % gage from 0/100% how complete the game is in its current state but no rush to know just curious. Keep up the astounding work,  Love from An appreciator of Tech,  Furries and the little things.


rn it's around... a 5%? It's barely even started xD

(1 edit) (-1)

Then i have ALOT to look forward to, even better hazzah lol
I shall one day make him the most popular DJ that ever J-ed a D.Be cool if there is a make your own music mini game at one point and entirely original if it actually played in the clubs you DJ at later but that would probably be a lot of work and is just wishful thinking. In any case the audio is awesome i love the tracks chosen and the transitions are amazing. Also i wish that store you go to at the start existed so bad no one has any idea XD


oswald... hes doing things to me 


I wish he is real


~~ Spoilers up to build 2, and may be slightly long (TL;DR at the end) ~~









I’m pretty worried some of the themes that will be tackled and the plot the story seems to be going for may clash a bit.

(I want to stress that these are worries about how the story may develop, according to what I believe is likely to happen, so it’s in big part speculation, and may, hopefully, turn out to be unwarranted, but I want to point this out early.)

The antagonist seems to be a big corporation with deep ties with the government, thanks to its monopoly over advanced electronics and medicine. It uses this position to strong-arm people into compliance with its plans, whether they are silencing opposition by ruining their lives or making a residential area industrial or simply gone.

The protagonist and the group he joins, whose intention is to oppose this corporation and protect people from being their victims, seem to be a very Hollywood style infiltration crew/ fighting force, training in one to one combat and use of firearms, having a “person behind the screen” to support them, shady connections and all that jazz.

The protagonists being who they are, it seems like they will be having heists to steal intelligence and thus there’s a good chance this implies they will fight Eden Corps by finding and releasing “the big secret that when revealed will lead to their downfall” or something of the sort. This would, to me, be a very disappointing approach, since it wouldn’t address appropriately an important topic introduced.

Given the antagonist and what they do to the protagonist at the beginning of the game, one of, if not the main theme of the vn seems to be how and for what reason this corporation is bad and how to go against that.

This may be that having business influence politics is fundamentally a conflict of intereset, since one aims for profit and one for quality of life of the citizens. If the story goes in another direction, it may be that technological and medical research should not be done by businesses but publicly funded institutions, since such advancements being tools of corporations makes citizens subject to their whims, since information technology and medical treatments may be tools too powerful to not be free (and/or open-source).

I can’t see the actions of the Midnight Sun, which is a secret organization, being able to tackle the root of the problem, which is political and thus fundamentally not only in the public eye, but reliant on public opinion. The power Eden Corps has is enabled by and is a consequence of the system it was born in (which in the end is the capitalism-mix-consumism we live in, but that may be a bit of a big topic to challenge, even if simplified in the story by not having it be fundamentally related to colonialism, nationalism, education, the abuse of natural resources, distribution of wealth etc); and to end it and similar entites for good the system would have to change. Having Eden Corps meet their end or stop their “evil deeds” without these causes addressed would not be a solution, and having these changes tacked on at the end like an addendum, like in a lot of other stories, would just be disappointing, since it’s actually the main goal.

It also seems a very heavy topic to have in the same vn that has moments in which the protagonist just spends a few minutes checking out a sweaty furry hunk. Not that these topics can’t coexist in the same piece of media, just that some may find it a bit jarring.


These are very interesting topics to tackle, and I’m excited to see where this vn goes, but I’m afraid that the “undercover heists” approach to problems that seem to require systematic change may end up unsatisfying or inappropriate.


Or the whole Eden Corp thing may just be part of the setting to cool action pieces and horny undergorund scenes, whithout the issue even being addressed. Which would be fine, if thoroughly disappointing to have such interesting topic central to the plot be plopped right in front of our eyes and then left untouched.


Hi! I'm really happy to see someone's opinion on this matter. Honestly, I've been waiting for a comment like this! Why is it that the underlying tones of the setting and plot seem to conflict with the current content? 

Short Answer: Using Furry Horniness as a hook for readers. xD

Now, about your concerns regarding the direction of the VN. Though I can't say much (for obvious reasons), what I can say is that based on your opinions, you will likely enjoy how the VN explores the topics it presents~!


That’s great to hear on both issues! Really looking forward to future updates now!

I’ll hold you to that tho, no backsies now! 😈 😂


do you have a patreon? if not just so you know i would gladly pay for it


Finally an update! Can't wait to see what this includes!


Update: Played through, and I must admit I am impressed on the improvements made on characters, along with the introduction of new characters!


Why do I already simp so hard for Oswald-


Omigosh same my butt thirsts for Oswald, can't get enough of him


Because how could you not?


Another husband to simp


Idk bout y'all but Max does things to me


I can't stop smiling playing this new update , oh boi a new husbando just appear. 


android ver wont work for me :(


The time I fell in love with the bar owner


smashes desk in excitement

(2 edits) (+4)(-1)

I'm leaving a comment because it's built 2 out and I'm here to say "first" to exert my dominace. :>


you must T-pose to ascert dominance =p


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